*.csv ; *.xlsx

Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:

Nirmalya Thakur, Vanessa Su, Kesha A. Patel, Mingchen Shao, Hongseok Jeong, Victoria Knieling, and Andrew Bian, "A Labelled Dataset for Sentiment Analysis of Videos on YouTube, TikTok, and other Sources about the 2024 Outbreak of Measles", 26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Washington DC, USA, 29 June - 4 July 2024 (Paper Submitted)



This dataset emerges from an educational experiment designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a Blockly-based tool in teaching Solidity, the predominant language for the creation of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Students from a Master's degree in Information Systems Engineering participated and used this tool with the aim of mitigating the learning curve of Solidity. The dataset includes metrics on student satisfaction with using the tool.


This survey aims to investigate various aspects of employment experiences and career development among individuals across different demographics.


This dataset abstract presents findings from a comprehensive survey conducted to investigate the impact of social media on high school students in Bangladesh. With the pervasive influence of social media platforms in contemporary society, particularly among the younger demographic, understanding its effects on adolescent behavior, mental health, academic performance, and social interactions is of paramount importance.


In the data set acquisition phase, the system will automatically record the following data: frontal video recording: the frame rate of the video is 10Hz per second, and the video contains the patient's movement, posture and facial information; hemodynamic data: the acquisition frequency is 10Hz per second, covering the area of the prefrontal lobe of the brain, and including the hemodynamic information of 22 channels; kinematic data: the acquisition frequency is 10Hz per second, and including the hand velocity, shoulder angular velocity, elbow angular velocity and sitting posture information


In situations when the precise position of a machine is unknown, localization becomes crucial. It is crucial to identify and ascertain the machine's position. This research focuses on improving the position prediction accuracy over long-range networks using a unique machine learning-based technique. In order to increase the prediction accuracy of the reference point position on the data collected using the fingerprinting approach using LoRa technology, this study suggested an ML-based algorithm.


The dataset comprises many variables like area, production, season, minimum humidity, maximum humidity, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, district, crop name which impact the agricultural output of different crops in the region of Bangladesh. Surveys were conducted in various areas of Bangladesh to gather data on different types of crops. The primary aim of this collection is to facilitate research in the domain of precision agriculture.


It is Supplementary Table_S1, the extracted scattering centers for the complex target in Fig. 9(a). Paper abstract: An electromagnetic (EM) metasurface is a passive device capable of manipulating the reflected signal of a radar in both spatial and frequency domains. This paper presents a novel analytical design of EM scattering center model guided passive synthetic aperture radar (SAR) deception based on diverse frequency time-modulation. The objective of this design is to disguise real target as an intended deceptive target and conceal its original EM characteristics.


This survey dataset delves into the diverse experiences and perspectives of individuals, focusing on key aspects of their educational journey and subsequent career choices. Comprising more than 60 questions or attributes,respondents were asked to share insights into their personal background, educational history, university preferences, and current professional status. The questionnaire covers a range of topics, including high school experiences, university decision-making criteria, major selection influences, and post-graduation outcomes.


Min-Max formulation is a common fairness mechanic utilized in communication system. It works by minimizing the worst case scenario amongst all the nodes in a system, For transmission and energy storage planning applications, we can utilize this fairness mechanic to bolster equity amongst the nodes in our system. For the project this is being utilized for, min-max formulation is used to minimize the worstcase load shedding across each bus in our system. The worst case in this situation being the highest load shedding cost, based on the value of lost load (VoLL) assigned to each bus.

