
Citation Author(s):
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Submitted by:
Andres Rico
Last updated:
Wed, 09/15/2021 - 12:00
Data Format:
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Data used for evaluation of the Chameleon system. We use it to evaluate capabilities of sensor fusion system that is able to adapot to multiple envrionemnts and monitor activity states within a room. The data set is divided by the two deployments and includes inforamtion for both of the sensors used to test the system. We include two weeks worth of data along with training and testing accuracy results. 


Data used for evaluation of the Chameleon system. We use it to evaluate capabilities of sensor fusion system that is able to adapot to multiple envrionemnts and monitor activity states within a room. The data set is divided by the two deployments and includes inforamtion for both of the sensors used to test the system. We include two weeks worth of data along with training and testing accuracy results. 

Each data set contains a .txt file that can be converted into a csv file or used directly with Numpy and Python to process it. Files corresponding to data from CO2-PIR-Clusters have been normalized for use with the machine intelligence modules descroibed in the paper. 

For any questions regarding the use or performance of set email Andres Rico @