The Data Related to Interfacial Shift Keying Allows a High Information Rate in Molecular Communication

Citation Author(s):
University of Catania
University of Catania
University of Catania
Submitted by:
Nunzio Tuccitto
Last updated:
Sun, 04/30/2023 - 03:26
Data Format:
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This dataset is related to a method for molecular communication in fluids described on "Fluorescent nanoparticles for reliable communication among implantable medical devices," Carbon, vol. 190, pp. 262-275, Apr. 2022, by Federico Calì, Luca Fichera, Giuseppe Trusso Sfrazzetto, Giuseppe Nicotra, Gianfranco Sfuncia, Elena Bruno, Luca Lanzanò, Ignazio Barbagallo, Giovanni Li-Destri, Nunzio Tuccitto; doi: 10.1016/J.CARBON.2022.01.016. 
The dataset is linked to the manuscript entitled "Interfacial Shift Keying Allows a High Information Rate in Molecular Communication: Methods and Data" by F. Calì, G. Li-Destri, and N. Tuccitto submitted to IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMC).
The data, including elapsed time (s), starting from the injection and fluorescence intensity (a.u.), is given in tab-separated values format as .txt files. When present, a column includes the intensity subtracted for the baseline and the subtracted and normalized intensity. In all cases, the baseline was obtained by performing a linear fit between 10 and 110 s and subtracting the line obtained from the entire dataset.


The dataset is linked to the manuscript entitled "Interfacial Shift Keying Allows a High Information Rate in Molecular Communication: Methods and Data" by F. Calì, G. Li-Destri, and N. Tuccitto submitted to IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMC).


Data is given in tab-separated values format as .txt files.

The first column is the elapsed time (s) from the releasing moment. Negative values relate to times prior to molecular messenger injection. The second column is the fluorescence intensity (a.u.) detected by the RX at the given time. The signal is acquired from the analog output and converted to 16bit resolution. The signal is experimental and therefore noisy. Negative values are due to baseline fluctuations. When present, the third column includes the intensity subtracted for the baseline, the fourth column includes subtracted and normalized intensity. In all cases, the baseline was obtained by performing a linear fit between 10 and 110 s and subtracting the line obtained from the entire dataset.

Here is an example of Python code for reading files


import csv

with open('3.5mPas_0.99uLs-1.txt') as csv_file:

    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter='\t')

    line_count = 0

    for row in csv_reader:

        if line_count == 0:

            print(f'Column names are {", ".join(row)}')

            line_count += 1



            line_count += 1

    print(f'Processed {line_count} lines.')