Dataset for Systematic Literature Review on IoT and WoT Search Engines

Citation Author(s):
University of Granada
Dublin City University
Juan M.
University of Granada
Submitted by:
Cristyan Manta-Caro
Last updated:
Wed, 07/06/2022 - 08:40
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This dataset is hosted on IEEE DataPort(TM), a data repository created by IEEE to facilitate research reproducibility. A Systematic Literature Review SLR is presented on information retrieval for IoT and WoT scenarios, containing the definition of the research questions and the selection strategy. We specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria in conjunction with the quality assurance criteria. The data extraction procedure is then outlined. We have conducted the SLR following an iterative three-phase approach: review planning, execution, and reporting. It includes the SLR protocol utilised in this study and the analysis data of the SLR research questions. It includes the description of the followed process for collecting primary studies and selecting works analysed in this study. 


This repository contains the following:

Dataset for Systematic Literature Review on IoT and WoT Search Engines:

Data and SLR Description:

- “Dataset SLR Data Collection”: in this sheet, this file contains the raw data that is extracted from the (253) primary studies by answering the research question, when applied. The primary studies are illustrated in rows, while the questions of the study are posed in columns. This sheet also contains columns for bibliometrics, included and excluded papers, and categorization.

- "1. SLR Protocol for IoT/WoT-IR": the study's protocol to be followed is defined. It contains the research question, keywords, search strings, I&E criteria, Quality assurance and self-assessment, and Data extraction form.

Data Analysis:

These sheets contain the analysis of the mapped and research questions whit a separate sheet for each question type and another for the Bibliometrics & Demographics Analysis.

- "2. Analysis of Mapped Questions": we present the results for the Mapped Questions: MQ1, MQ2, MQ3 and MQ4. In addition to some Bibliometrics and Demographics facts. 

- "3. Analysis of Research Questions":  we present the results for the Research Questions: RQ1, RQ2, RQ3 and RQ4. In addition to some Analysis and Correlation facts. 


- Raw Data from the execution of queries on selected sources.