Julia Source Code: Transfer Function Synthesis with Real Poles

Citation Author(s):
Submitted by:
Taku Noda
Last updated:
Sat, 08/13/2022 - 06:21
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The code synthesizes a transfer function with real poles from tabulated frequency response data. The reproducible run of this capsule will synthesize the impedance matrix of a 500-kV double-circuit overhead power transmission line and also that of a 250-kV dc submarine power cable.


Code to reproduce the numerical results shown in the paper is zipped in the file "code.zip". The code is written in the Julia programming language. To run the code, prepare the latest version of the Julia programming language on your machine and unzip the zip file in a certain folder. Then, follow the instructions below:

To reproduce the result of the first numerical example of the paper, run the file "ex1_synthesis.jl" by typing
> include( "ex1_synthesis.jl" )
in the Julia programming language environment. The file "ex1_fresp_data.txt" contains the frequency response data of the first numerical example.

To reproduce the result of the second numerical example of the paper, run the file "ex2_synthesis.jl" by typing
> include( "ex2_synthesis.jl" )
in the Julia programming language environment.  The file "ex2_fresp_data.txt" contains the frequency response data of the second numerical example.

The code can also be used for your synthesis problems. See the files "ex1_synthesis.jl" and "ex2_synthesis.jl" as a tutorial describing how to use the functions in the code.