Optical Fiber Link Test Bench

Citation Author(s):
Raphael Saavedra, Pedro Tovar, Gustavo C. Amaral, Bruno Fanzeres
Submitted by:
Raphael Saavedra
Last updated:
Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:17
Data Format:
Research Article Link:
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For reproducibility purposes, a large test bench of fiber links is simulated to test the Baseband Subcarrier Sweep framework and associated monitoring techniques. The test bench comprises three sets of 1000 fiber links each containing one, two, or three faults.


The fiber links are simulated based on the following procedures: (i) fiber lengths are sampled evenly between 2 and 15 km; (ii) given the fiber length, fault locations are sample evenly along the fiber link, with a mandatory fault at the end; (iii) in order to sample reflective events, a 50% chance of having an associated reflection is attributed to each fault sampled in Step ii; and (iv) the magnitudes of the events are then randomly chosen, with faults ranging between 1 and 5 dB and reflections up to 20 dB.