Artificial Intelligence; Coronavirus Disease 2019; COVID-19 Diagnosis

Any damage that affects the normal functioning of the lungs is termed as a lung disease,

which can prove fatal if not detected early. To address this challenge, two innovative techniques proposed

for the lung disease classification, supporting medical professionals to diagnose and provides preventive

measures at an early stage. The proposed Model 1 integrates a custom MobileNetV2L2 architecture, that

builds upon the MobileNetV2 framework through fine-tuning and customization. This model incorporates a


This is a part of the COVID-CTset dataset for testing and training the network. This dataset contains 12058 CT slices. It was gathered from Negin medical center that is located at Sari in Iran. This medical center uses a SOMATOM Scope model and syngo CT VC30-easyIQ software version for capturing and visualizing the lung HRCT radiology images from the patients. The format of the exported radiology images was 16-bit grayscale DICOM format with 512*512 pixels resolution.
