Fractional-slot permanent magnet synchronous machines

Thiswork dealswith fractional-slot permanent

magnet synchronous machines (FSPMSMs) equipped with

phasesmade up of one coil parallel branches. These exhibit

attractive potentialities, especially their enhanced opencircuit

fault tolerance capability. Furthermore, these topologies

are suitably-adapted for low-voltage power supply that

makes them viable candidates for possible integration in

the 42V automotive technology. This potentiality is further

highlighted in battery electric vehicleswhere the passenger


The paper is aimed at a class of fractionalslot

permanentmagnet synchronousmachines (FSPMSMs)

equipped with phases made up of one coil parallel

branches, with emphasis on their potential to reject the

harmonic currents circulating in the loops created by the

parallel branches. Following the identification and topological

characterization of this class of machines in Part 1,

the star of slots approach is extended to the analysis of

the back-EMF harmonic content. This makes it possible the


The paper is aimed at a class of fractionalslot

permanentmagnet synchronousmachines (FSPMSMs)

equipped with phases made up of one coil parallel

branches, with emphasis on their potential to reject the

harmonic currents circulating in the loops created by the

parallel branches. Following the identification and topological

characterization of this class of machines in Part 1,

the star of slots approach is extended to the analysis of

the back-EMF harmonic content. This makes it possible the


The paper deals with fractional-slot permanent

magnet synchronous machines (FSPMSMs) equipped

with phases made up of one coil parallel branches. These

exhibit attractive potentialities, especially their enhanced

open-circuit fault tolerance capability. Furthermore, these

topologies are suitably-adapted for low-voltage power supply

that makes them viable candidates for possible integration

in the 42V automotive technology. This potentiality is

further highlighted in battery electric vehicles where the
