Electronic Health Records and clinical longitudinal data have been visualized in a wide range of applications to assist the understanding of the status and evolution of patients. Few studies have objectively assessed these applications. We utilized the insights-based method to objectively assess the effectiveness of an application that visualizes longitudinal data from the Australian national electronic health record. Five professional psychiatrists took part in the assessment study.


This is the last in a series of challenges and competitons sponsored by IEEE Brain Initiative in 2017 that explore various brain/neuro datasets.  Results and final presentations are expected to be made at the Boston (Cambridge) event, December 9, 2017.  NOTE: EVENT IS STILL ON AS SCHEDULED DESPITE WEATHER. 


Last Updated On: 
Tue, 05/29/2018 - 14:22
Citation Author(s): 
Barbey, AK; Kramer, A; Cohen, N; Hillman, C