Data:Sinusoidal Waveform Geometry

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This is an open-access page. All content can be freely downloaded after sign-up. This webpage contains datasets and models, which are in support of my Research papers-'Geometrical Insight on Sinusoidal Waveform - Part I and Geometrical Insight on Sinusoidal Waveform - Part II'.  

I have used Python, Julia, MATLAB, Scilab, PSPICE   The known code, modified code and other codes along with


1. Geometrical Insight on Sinusoidal Waveform - Part I

Abstract :  

2. Geometrical Insight on Sinusoidal Waveform - Part II



Abstract :  In physics, sine wave is          In electronics & electrical engineering,         In              In this research, seven questions are studied.  resembles the sine wave namely cosine, hyperboliccosine,hyperbolicsine,versine, coversine, vercosine, coversine, haversine, hacoversine, havercosine and hacovercosine

The data 

the simulation videos

The results from codes run in python, Julia, C++,  s



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Read Me

(1) This is an open access ,so everything  can be downloaded after login (free signup). You have to click on 'Title'.

(2)  These are very advanced but still it may be very elementary for any graduate,degree holder,school student. So, they can laugh a paper on it.

(3) This paper include some results which can be very difficult to understand, as not mentioned in the textbooks. For details like analysis, interpretation etc. please refer "Research Papers". And the claims in the Research Paper can be verified using Code, Dataset, Videos, Pspice scripts and Simulation files.    

(4) Data is divided into 6 - Codeocean Scripts, Dataset Files, Pspice Scripts, Simulations A, Simulations M and Simulations C

(5) Videos are recording of simuations. Videos are uploaded on YouTube and can also be opened directly from the 'Research Paper'.  

(6) The dataset has been checked by the 'Data or Code or model Inspector' before uploading.

(7) For CodeOcean Scripts uploaded on Codeocean, pls. read details given in ReadMe.txt.

If any problem in understanding, creating or copying, pls contact your university professor or board or any of the companies engineer.

(8) As such, No other question or email will be replied. I have left R&D and I am not looking r&d project. But you may still question, I may answer. Fees apply for work. I had closed free services. Pls read Orcid Profile before sending email.


I. Dataset Files


Related  CodeOcean Scripts : 'Effect of Sampling Rate on Non Linear Load Filtered by FFT in 7kW Inverter' and DOI :

Description :  



 Related  CodeOcean Scripts : 'L2 - L16 Norm : Alternating Sinusoidal Values and Cycles Per Second'  (in Julia programming) and DOI :

Description :  


3. 230 Volts AC Cosine - I

Related Video :


4. Data of Frequency of 230 VAC Mains

Related Attachment :  230Mains_50Hz.xls

Description :  

Analysis of Data :

  • Attempt 1 of Recording : The minimum 230vac gov DISCOM  frequency with no-load fell to even 49. 89Hz but while saving, it got crashed and didnt got saved.
  • Attempt 2 of Recording : The minimum 230vac gov DISCOM  frequency with no-load fell to even 49. 81Hz but while saving, it got crashed and didnt got saved.
  • Attempt 3 of Recording : 


5. Data of No-Load Voltage of 230 VAC Mains

Related Attachment : ACmV.xls

Description :  

Analysis of Data :  


6. Data of No-Load Voltage of 230 VAC Mains

Related Attachment : ACV.xls

Description :  

Analysis of Data :  


7.  Instantaneous reading of Voltage of 230VAC Mains

Related Video : 

Description :  SMPS Transformer AC-DC is connected to 230VAC mains

 Analysis of Data :   The instantaneous voltages are 1389, 1362 , 1347, 1205, 915, 869,824, 780, 714,632,584,452,393,383, 265, 245, 174,137,65   


8. Data of  230VAC, 50 Hz Transmission Line 

Related Attachment : 

Related Video :

Description :  



9. Data of  110VAC, 60 Hz Transmission Line 

Related Attachment : 

Related Video :

Description :  


10. Data of  6.66 kVAC, 50 Hz Transmission Line 

Related Attachment : 

Related Video :

Description :  


11. Data of  6.66 kVAC, 60 Hz Transmission Line 

Related Attachment : 

Related Video :

Description :  



12. Data of  400V, 400 kHz Transmission Line 

Related Attachment : 

Related Video :

Description :  


13. Data of  400V,  750 kHz Transmission Line 

Related Attachment : 

Related Video :

Description :  



14. Data of  400V, 1 MHz Transmission Line 

Related Attachment : 

Related Video :

Description :  



15. Data of  400V, 1.366 kHz Transmission Line 

Related Attachment : 

Related Video :

Description :  


16. Modulation of 230 VAC and 110 VAC


17. Demodulation of 230VAC and 110 VAC


7. Data of   Mains

Related Attachment : 

Description :  


 Analysis of Data :  


8. Data of   Mains

Related Attachment : 

Description :  

 Analysis of Data :  



  • Capsule :  Geometrical Insight on Sinusoidal Waveform (Python) and DOI :
  • Capsule :           (in Julia programming) and DOI :
  • Capsule : Geometrical Insight on S    (Python)   and DOI  :




(5) has following datasets

  1. Wave
  2. Hyperbolic Cos  
  3. Sine
  4. Sine_1 (modified code by me for
  5. SIne_2
  6. 50 Hz 
  7. 60 Hz
  8. 256
  9. Three phase
  10. SixPhase
  11. NinePhase
  12. 'G C  +  Tx C + ß
  13. Trigonometric.csv
  14. Videos.pdf has list of videos uploaded on 'Videos Link'   

(6) has following datasets

  1.  Videos.pdf
  2. Videos Link 

(7) has following datasets 

  1. Videos.pdf 
  2. Videos Link 


3. Pspice Scripts

 Pspice Scripts,  related to engineering (modified scripts by me to justify claim)



4. Simulations  A


5. Simulations M


6. Simulations C


 'ThreePhase'  has the AC waveform of the generator from substation/grid at electricity  generation. These are given for reference to understand.

The    Trigonometric.csv,  is the Trigonometric Table calculated to come into , also same is tabulated in  the paper


Funding: There are no funders for this submission. The  author has himself fully self-financed (for his passion). I expect all these papers, would be nice Shroud for the passion and the price paid.

Acknowlegement :  The author as such thankful to none and does not have any special name to be acknowledged.


This is incomplete work and much work is lost, need to be re-written.
I will also have to re-organise it.Till when it will get completed, i dont know.
Abhishek Bansal

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Fri, 02/03/2023 - 10:01

I have left R&D, so as such wont submit anything else. I may or may not re-write papers/books but it may take year or 20-30 years or never. Also world will change. I may submit or never.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Mon, 02/06/2023 - 09:27

Acknowledgement : The author as such is thankful to none but obliged to his family for bearing his personal endeavours! The papers are submitted under individual and solo category, not representing anyone else. If invited or given any award, he is representing only himself, as an individual and not anyone else, not India as it is criminal by Indian laws. The author cannot, for the humiliation, harassment, and now all wrap up.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Tue, 10/03/2023 - 13:35

Someone had raised concern "... prohibited to work ...without qualification..."

In my personal case, I am only representing only myself not anyone else, not country. As far as this is taken, it is not criminal.

I am always attaching legal acknowledgement and disclosure, (which some graduates find ...)

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Fri, 10/13/2023 - 13:41

I have stated above but some still taking for granted and if I DO NOT control, they &critics knowcan put me in non-bail jail. You not reading legal disclousure statement, and its clear from both sides as your .. x cannot pay 1/4 of the fresher with 20yr exp., and it is evident the shameless, torture behaviour and coverup with lies even in court, IT IS permanently damaged for coming 1000 years+.
In legal disclosure, I have clearly stated it is criminal by indian laws as was even questioned by registrar in 2015, how did electrical from electronics.
You shouldnot expect anything more than my paid service.

Submitted by Abhishek Bansal on Wed, 02/14/2024 - 12:46

Dataset Files