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Simon Fraser University
Job Title: 
Adjunct Professor
Data Engineering, Software Engineering
Short Bio: 
I am an Adjunct Professor in Engineering Science, the Principal Investigator of the Computational Sustainability Lab, and Head Instructor of the Big Data Hub at Simon Fraser University (SFU). I received my PhD in Computing Science at Simon Fraser University in 2014 in the area of computational sustainability. I have been a software engineer for over 25 years working for various local/international industry clients. I is a registered Professional Engineering (PEng) with Engineers and Geoscientists BC and a Senior Member of the IEEE. My research interests include computational sustainability and the understanding of socioeconomic issues that pertain to technological advancement. I am considered an expert in data engineering, software engineering, and a world-renowned researcher in non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) and disaggregation. Currently, I am the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Vancouver Chapter and I sit on the IEEE DataPort Advisory Committee. I currently serves as the Editor in Chief of the IEEE DataPort Metadata Review Board, and as an Editorial Board Member of Nature’s Scientific Data journal. Additionally, this year (2021) I became a Voting Member of the Big Data Governance and Metadata Management (BDGMM, P2957), a new standard being developed by the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) and NIST.

Datasets & Competitions

The AMPds dataset has been release to help load disaggregation/NILM and eco-feedback researcher test their algorithms, models, systems, and prototypes. This dataset is intended to be multi-year capture of the consumption of my house. This dataset contains electricity, water, and natural gas measurements at one minute intervals. This dataset contains a total of 1,051,200 readings for 2 years of monitoring (from April/2012 to March/2014) per meter. There are a total of 21 power meters, 2 water meters (with additional appliance usage annotations), and 2 natural gas meters.
