*.czi; *.tiff

Calcium imaging visualizes specific activity of neurons through active sensors, which makes it easy to study the neuronal behavior of animals' learning processes and cognition and helps to promote the use of animal models for neuroscience research. However, motion artifacts and background noise can affect calcium imaging, especially when watching awake animals while they are exposed to low-dose laser irradiation. This makes it impossible to fully understand how neural circuits work. As a result, imaging results are often warped and contain significant random noise.


This dataset includes 70 sets of 3D confocal high-resolution images. All images were imaged using an LSM800 Zeiss microscope with a Plan-apochromat 1.40-NA, 63× objective, and Zeiss ZEN Blue 2.6 software was used to acquire the images. Three channels were used to acquire transmitted light (TL), SYBR GoldTM- (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.) labeled (nuclear and mitochondrial DNA), and TMRM-labeled (mitochondria) images. Each confocal image consists of 32 slices with an interval of 0.15 µm and a YX resolution of 917 × 917 pixels.
