Indian Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark Dataset in YOLO Format

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This is the collection of Indian Traffic Sign Detection Dataset. This can be used maily on Traffic Sign detection projects using YOLO. Dataset is in YOLO format. There are 1264 total images in this dataset fully annotated using Labelimg tool. Some augmented datas using techniques like blurring, mosaic etc.. are also present. The dataset has images in 3 different types of traffic signs in India. Dataset is annotated only as one class-Traffic Sign. The dataset produced a Mean Average Precision(mAP) of 99.28 % using yolov4 and 99.20 % using yolov3 at 50% Intersection over Union(IoU) threshold. The most commonly used German Traffic sign Dataset is having only 900 images. Also increase in dataset and reducing the no of classes helped reduce training time.


Indian Traffic Sign Detection Dataset is in YOLO format. There are 1264 total images in this dataset fully annotated using Labelimg tool. Some augmented datas using techniques like blurring, mosaic etc.. are also present. The dataset has images in 3 different types of traffic signs in India. Dataset is annotated only as one class-Traffic Sign. The dataset produced a Mean Average Precision(mAP) of 99.28 % using yolov4 and 99.20 % using yolov3 at 50% Intersection over Union(IoU) threshold. The most commonly used German Traffic sign Dataset is having only 900 images. Also increase in dataset and reducing the no of classes helped reduce training time.


Hey. I want this dataset for my final year project of bs computer. Can you kindly give me a free access.
Email :

Submitted by Muhammad Minhas on Mon, 04/04/2022 - 15:36

Kindly give me the access to use the dataset. As I need it for my college project.

Submitted by Nikita Chadha on Tue, 08/30/2022 - 15:36

I want this dataset for final year prjct . Please can you share email

Submitted by Divya kk on Sat, 12/17/2022 - 09:20

Hello. I want to download this dataset for my research work. My id is Would be great if this dataset is made accessible to me.

Submitted by Farah Ansari on Wed, 07/05/2023 - 02:12

Can you kindly send this data, this data is very important for my project.

Submitted by Rajiv KUmar on Wed, 08/30/2023 - 23:28

Can you kindly send me the Dataset, i need it for my collage project.

Submitted by Ashwin Niar on Wed, 10/11/2023 - 03:28

Hey, Can you share this dataset with me? I'm at

Submitted by Akanksha Bhimte on Mon, 01/15/2024 - 00:51