A New Homogeneous Finite-Time Controller for Bilateral Teleoperation Systems

Citation Author(s):
Lingyan Hu, Jin Yang, Peter X. Liu, Shaoping Xu , Penwen Xiong
Submitted by:
lingyang hu
Last updated:
Thu, 11/08/2018 - 10:34
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A continuous finite-time control scheme is introduced for bilateral teleoperation systems with asymmetric timevarying delays. Specifically, a non-smooth controller with fractional power based on the homogeneous method is developed to guarantee that the trajectory tracking error between the master and the slave converges to zero in a finite period of time. The system is proven to be globally asymptotically stable and has a negative degree of homogeneity, which means that it is globally finite-time stable. Both simulation and experimental results show that the proposed controller ensures the teleoperation system with fast convergence, accurate tracking performance and global stability without sacrificing system transparency.


Here we uploaded the results of teleoperation experiments under asymmetric time-varying conditions. The data includes results from a finite time controller based on the homogeneous theory and the results under the PID controller. Run the m files in the folder and you can draw the result graphes. In addition, an experimental video was uploaded as a supplement。