Videomicroscopic Semi-Shadow Visualization of LoC-Si (Lab-on-a-Chip_[based_on]_Silicone) Test Structures using Binocular Stereoscopic Microscope and Indirect Angular Illumination Scheme (BSI-IAIS)

Citation Author(s):
Zaytsev Yu., Shevchenko D., Gradov O.
Submitted by:
Oleg Gradov
Last updated:
Thu, 11/08/2018 - 10:34
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Videomicroscopic Semi-Shadow Visualization of LoC-Si (Lab-on-a-Chip_[based_on]_Silicone) test structures from Institute of Molecular Electronics (D. Shevchenko; founder of Scientific and Production Association "Microbiotechniques" Ltd.) and Russian Academy of Sciences (INEPCP RAS; ICP RAS)


Vis. Tech.: MBS-10 Binocular Stereoscopic Microscope; Indirect Angular Illumination.


Found.: Initiative project (D. Shevchenko, O. Gradov; 2015-2016)


Fab.: JSC “Voskhod” KRLZ*


* JSC “Voskhod”-KRLZ practices vacuum electron-beam and magnetron spattering techniques for the deposition of thin dielectric, resistant and metal films. JSC “Voskhod” KRLZ was founded in 1960. It is one of the largest manufacturers of electronic components in Russia. One of the priority lines of our development has become a production of materials for electronics manufacturing industry: an assortment of rolled metal bands from nonferrous, ferrous and high alloys; multilayered clad metal bands, high alloyed bimetallic micron scale wire; pseudo alloys; epitaxial structures GaAlAs; amorphous tapes.





Videomicroscopic Semi-Shadow Visualization of LoC-Si (Lab-on-a-Chip_[based_on]_Silicone) Test Structures using Binocular Stereoscopic Microscope and Indirect Angular Illumination Scheme (BSI-IAIS)