
Completing the docking between two multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the air has great significance for expanding the application scenarios of multiple UAVs and improving their endurance capability. In this regard, this paper first designs a safe and autonomous docking scheme and constructs a sub-mother UAV system.


<p><span style="color: #3c4043; font-family: Inter, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">The dataset is collected from 3 MPU9250 sensors connected simultaneously on different positions of the hand. One sensor was placed on the wrist, another between wrist and elbow and another between elbow and shoulder. The dataset contains a 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis magnetometer readings along with a result column in which '1' denoted shaking hand and '0' denoted stable hand.


This dataset includes various gauge blocks of different heights at different positions. This includes two sets of data with no targets and different measurement heights. Each data consists of 16 phase-shifting images and their corresponding Gray code images.


A specially designed waist-worn device with accelerometer, gyroscope, and pressure sensor was utilized to collect information about 18 ADLs and 16 fall types. The falls protocol has been performed in our lab to replicate realistic situations that typically affect workers and older people. In contrast to other datasets that are accessible to the public, we included a new task in the falls, syncope, since it has a high mortality rate among the elderly and is linked to falls. As such, we must take it into account and include it in our fall detection system.


Wearable devices, such as data gloves and electronic skins, can perceive human hand's actions, behaviors and even emotions with the help of knowledge learning and inference. Curvature or magnetism sensing in such devices often lacks comprehensive gesture interactive information, meanwhile, the limited computing power of wearable applications restricts the multi-mode fusion of different sensing data and the deployment of deep learning networks.


The Excel file contains two pages of ambient temperature and relative humidity collected using a DHT11 sensor at one canal site (CW) and 5 land sites (L1 through L5). The data has been collected for 30 days of May 2023 at the Rakh branch canal in Faisalabad, Pakistan. The Excel file has two pages with a page labelled Tamb dedicated to ambient temperature and RH dedicated to relative humidity. Each row corresponds to data collected by different sensors contemporarily and measurements have been taken once every 10 minutes.


Activities of daily living (ADLs) monitoring is essenitial in elderly field as it provides daily activities information for caregivers. In human daily life, different activities occur in various locations and generate distinct sounds and body movement. We can combine this kind of information to recognize the activities.


Human-robot interaction remains a significant challenge for mobile robots performing as social robots, which are expected to coexist, collaborate, and be cognitive with persons to enhance efficiency and reduce labor strength. Typically, escort robots can be widely employed for accompanying elderly and youth outdoors, guiding visitors in exhibition halls and museums, and sorting goods in warehouses.


The dataset is the image data obtained after data conversion of the phases of six Chinese sign languages collected using RFID, the dataset includes the data of five people in environment 1, and also includes the data of user 1 in the previous environment, the dataset is converted into 1000×1000 pixel images to be saved in it, which is a total of 3,000 images.


The dataset consists of measurements of different stages of degradation in low-voltage contactors used for industrial purposes. The measurements were obtained with fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors that detect the dynamic deformation generated in switching under different load conditions and internal components. The posted dataset was preprocessed and separated into two different events. The signal is segmented and reduced from the original measurement (separated into opening and closing). Furthermore, two sets of measurements were obtained.

