Uploading Datasets on IEEE DataPort

IEEE DataPort is a research data platform for researchers, engineers, and scientists to upload all types of standard and Open Access datasets up to 2TB or 10 TB for Institutional Subscribers. Users can upload datasets in a variety of formats including CSV, TXT, ORC, Avro, RC, XML, SQL, and JSON to one of more than 25 defined data categories. 

There is an “Other Data” category available to accommodate any data that may not fall into one of the available categories. 

Once uploaded, datasets are easily accessible and include metadata and supporting documentation to help users better understand how each specific dataset can be found and analyzed.

Uploading a dataset to IEEE DataPort is quick and easy. Below is a list of resources to help address the most commonly asked questions.

Ready to get started?

Upload your standard or Open Access dataset here.


Uploading Datasets

Detailed guidance on how to upload and manage research data.

Searching, Accessing & Analyzing Datasets

See how to find, site, and analyze specific datasets.

Hosting & Participating in Data Competitions

Everything you need to know about Data Competitions on IEEE DataPort.

IEEE DataPort Subscriptions

Learn how to become an individual or institutional subscriber.