confocal microscopy

The rapid development of highly multiplexed microscopy systems has enabled the study of cells embedded within their native tissue. The rich spatial data provided by these techniques have yielded exciting insights into the spatial features of human disease. However, computational methods for analyzing these high-content images are still emerging, and there is a need for more robust and generalizable tools for evaluating the cellular constituents and underlying stroma captured by high-plex imaging.


This dataset includes 70 sets of 3D confocal high-resolution images. All images were imaged using an LSM800 Zeiss microscope with a Plan-apochromat 1.40-NA, 63× objective, and Zeiss ZEN Blue 2.6 software was used to acquire the images. Three channels were used to acquire transmitted light (TL), SYBR GoldTM- (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.) labeled (nuclear and mitochondrial DNA), and TMRM-labeled (mitochondria) images. Each confocal image consists of 32 slices with an interval of 0.15 µm and a YX resolution of 917 × 917 pixels.


Dataset of fluorescent mice brain vessels Confocal 3D volumes aligned to Light-Field images.


  • Single volume dimension: 1287x1287x64.
  • Number of samples: 362
  • Voxel size: 0.086x0.086x0.9 um.
  • Objective: 40x/1.3 Oil.
  • Stain: tomato lectin (DyLight594 conjugated, DL-1177, Vector Laboratories).




The dataset contains high-resolution microscopy images and confocal spectra of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes allow down-scaling of electronic components to the nano-scale. There is initial evidence from Monte Carlo simulations that microscopy images with high digital resolution show energy information in the Bessel wave pattern that is visible in these images. In this dataset, images from Silicon and InGaAs cameras, as well as spectra, give valuable insights into the spectroscopic properties of these single-photon emitters.


Datasets of confocal microscopy images of cardiomyocytes aimed at development of image recognition systems. Images of live and healthy cardiomyocytes with fluorescently stained sarcolemma were assigned into 5 classes according to their development stages. The least developed cardiomyocytes were considered to be at stage 1 (class 1) while the most developed ones were assigned stage 5 (class 5). All other images belong to a class 0.
