encrypted network traffic

Update (07/30/2023): The dataset has been updated to be more realistic with specific characteristics described in [*]. 

We collect encrypted traffic from six widely-used Instant Messaging Applications (IMAs) installed on an Android device for descriptive and statistical analysis, as presented in our papers [*][**]. In particular, we collect traffic from:

1. Microsoft Teams,

2. Discord,

3. Facebook Messenger,

4. Signal,

5. Telegram, and

6. WhatsApp.


This dataset is used for the identification of video in the internet traffic. The dataset was prepared by using Wireshark. It comprises of two types of traffic data, VPN (Virtual Private Network) or encrypted traffic data and Non-VPN or unencrypted traffic. The dataset consist of the data streams (.pcap) of 43 videos. Each video is played 50 times in both VPN and Non-VPN mode. The streams were obtained by setting-up a dummy client on a PC which plays a YouTube video and Wireshark is used to capture the internet traffic.


This dataset is used for the identification of video in the internet traffic. The dataset was prepared by using Wireshark. It comprises of two types of traffic data, VPN (Virtual Private Network) or encrypted traffic data and Non-VPN or unencrypted traffic. The dataset consist of the data streams (.pcap) of 43 videos. Each video is played 50 times in both VPN and Non-VPN mode. The streams were obtained by setting-up a dummy client on a PC which plays a YouTube video and Wireshark is used to capture the internet traffic.
