snpp LFSO2 data

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 This data package is parepared by Dr. Jianguo Niu (IMSG at NOAA NESDIS/STAR) on

        March 18, 2020


 The purpose of this OMPS LFSO2 retrieval products package is in support the paper:

 "Evaluation and Improvement of the Near-real-time Linear Fit SO2 retrievals from Suomi NPP (S-NPP) Ozone Mapping & Profiler Suite"


This package includes LFSO2 V8TOS retrievals of:

        1. "logic swith on" (original set as described by th paper 01824) products

        2. "logic swith off" (improved set as discribe by the paper 01824) products

        3. This package includes the retrievals for:

                a) 20 independent volcanic scenarios in eight years which are used in the paper.

                B) Hawaii volcanic eruption (May to August, 2018) which are used in the paper

        4. The pachage is a compresion of a directory "npp_lfso2"

                the original data set (logic switch on) are under:



                the improved version data (logic swith off) are under:



        5 One can use these data set to reproduc all the figures in the paper 01824

        6. resubmitted paper ID (TGRS-2020-00543)


 This data are in NetCDF format. Which can be read by an IDL code "". The usage example




The "data" is a structure, which included most of the parameters you needed. 


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