Image Processing

this is dataset for our paper: "Large-scale Benchmark for Uncooled Infrared Image Deblurring", submitted for IEEE SIgnal Processing Letters.


CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart). Only humans can successfully complete this test; current computer systems cannot. It is utilized in several applications for both human and machine identification. Text-based CAPTCHAs are the most typical type used on websites. Most of the letters in this protected CAPTCHA script are in English, it is challenging for rural residents who only speak their native tongues to pass the test.


Development of the Complex-Valued (CV) deep learning architectures has enabled us to exploit the amplitude and phase components of the CV Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. However, most of the available annotated SAR datasets provide only the amplitude information (Only detected SAR data) and disregard the phase information. The lack of high-quality and large-scale annotated CV-SAR datasets is a significant challenge for developing CV deep learning algorithms in remote sensing.


AHT2D dataset is composed of Handwritten Arabic letters with diacritics. In this dataset, we have 28 letter classes according to the number of Arabic letters. Each class contains a multiple letter form. We have different letter images from different sources such as the internet, our writers, etc. The AHT2D dataset includes only isolated letters. In addition, this dataset contains different writing styles, orientations, colors, thicknesses, sizes, and backgrounds, which makes it a very large and rich dataset.


This is the largest database of hyperspectral face images containing hyperspectral image cubes of 78 subjects imaged in multiple sessions. The data was captured with the CRI's VariSpec LCTF (Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter) integrated with a Photon Focus machine vision camera. There are 33 spectral bands comering the 400 - 720nm range with a 10nm step. The noise level in the dataset is relatively lower because we adapted the camera exposure time to the transmittance of the filter illumination intensity as well as CCD sensitivity in each band.


The femur dataset is our internal dataset, which

was collected from the clinical data of the Affiliated Hospital

of Capital Medical University, including 41 knee joint CT

scans, with a total of 7121 axial enhanced knee joint clinical

CT images. The dataset is shown in Fig. 5, which can be

downloaded in our github.


Grasp intention recognition is a vital problem for controlling assistive robots to help the elderly and infirm people restore arm and hand function. This dataset contains gaze data and scene image data of healthy individuals and hemiplegic patients while performing different grasping tasks. It can be used for gaze-based grasp intention recognition studies.


Layout planning is centrally important in the field of architecture and urban design. Among the various basic units carrying urban functions, residential community plays a vital part for supporting human life. Therefore, the layout planning of residential community has always been of concern, and has attracted particular attention since the advent of deep learning that facilitates the automated layout generation and spatial pattern recognition.

