

Since the majority of people have smartphones, the Hb level can be determined using the smartphone's video through PPG signal as opposed to the traditional approaches, which still require the use of a needle to puncture a vein. This study enrolled 108 subjects who underwent a clinical test, with their hemoglobin (Hb) level within the range of 6.6 to 16.5 g/dL.


Our released weight dataset for fusion results in edge-cloud collaborative inference contains the corresponding weighted summation weights under 50,000 edge-cloud collaborative DNN inference tasks, listing the five heterogeneous NVIDIA edge devices they use (NVIDIA Jetson Nano, TX2, NX, Orin NX, and AGX Orin), computing power (1.9~275TOPS), DNN model type (EfficientNet-B0, ViT-B16), and network bandwidth (0.5~8Mbps).


⁤Securing systems with limited resources is crucial for deployment and should not be compromised for other performance metrics like area and throughput. ⁤⁤Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) emerge as a cost-effective solution for various security applications, such as preventing IC counterfeiting and enabling lightweight authentication. ⁤⁤In the realm of memory-based PUFs, the physical variations of available memory systems, such as DRAM or SRAM, are exploited to derive an intrinsic response based on the accessed data row.


This malware dataset collected from Indonesia. The  Malicious Windows Portable Executable has been extracted using LIEF library. The main objective of this dataset is to support research in the field of malware detection by employing machine learning methodologies. The gathered data will aid in the creation of more effective and precise machine-learning algorithms for detecting and reducing malware risks in Windows-operated systems.


Objective, sensitive, and meaningful disease assessments are critical to support clinical trials and clinical care. Speech changes are one of the earliest and most evident manifestations of cerebellar ataxias. This data set contains features that can be used to train models to identify and quantify clinical signs of ataxic speech. Though raw audio or spectrograms cannot be released due to privacy concerns, this data set contains several OpenSMILE feature sets.


The dataset utilized in this research originates from two primary sources: the Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia, which provides data on Harvested Area and Production, and the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency of Indonesia, responsible for data on Rainfall, Humidity, and Temperature. This dataset encompasses six years of observations, collected annually from 2018 to 2023. It is important to note that the data for December 2023 are predictive estimates from these agencies.


This dataset comes from the Wind database. This dataset includes a series of Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 ETF option data due in December 2022. This dataset also includes some economic variables.The data used in this article is the trading data of Shanghai Stock Exchange 50ETF call options. The time of option data is from April 28 to October 26, 2022, sourced from the WIND database. The exercise price range of the selected option is from 2.5 to 3.5 (European call options). In addition, the expiration date of the options in this experiment is December 28, 2022.


This represents a comprehensive collection of data from a Automative manufacturing unit. This unit could be involved in a range of production activities, from assembly line manufacturing to more complex, multi-stage processes. The dataset is designed to capture various operational parameters that are crucial for analyzing and optimizing manufacturing processes.


The dataset contains data obtained by measuring hand movements while performing the letters of the Polish Sign Language alphabet. It contains data from 16 users performing all 36 letters ten times. Each single execution of a gesture is recorded in 75 samples. The experiment also included data augmentation, multiplying the number of data by 200. times.



The Web has long become a major platform for online criminal activities. URLs are used as the main vehicle in this domain. To counter this issues security community focused its efforts on developing techniques for mostly blacklisting of malicious URLs.

