
This dataset was obtained from the ionogram at Kupang in 2022 to investigate the frequency window of the Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) channel with homogenous Time of Flight (ToF) values. All data is in the form of.mat files (MATLAB). The first dataset is in Matlab variables ('DataWidthFrekHourly','DataCenterWidthFrekHourly'), which consist of maximum window frequency values with homogenous ToF and the center frequency of the widest window. The structure of the data array is 96x365, with the row as the time (1:96) and the column as the day in one year (1:365).


This dataset contains LTE access signals (PRACH) emitted by 7 mobile phones and 1 USRP B205 software defined radio platform equipment. Files are stored in MAT form that can be read by MATLAB. The dataset of the mobile phone includes data from 3 different locations (\dif_loc), 3 different test times (\dif_date), and 3 different power-on times (\dif_working). The software defined radio platform equipment dataset consists of 3 datasets at different locations and 3 different test times.


This dataset contains RF (Radio Frequency) signals obtained from simulations, which model ultrasound propagation in cortical bone.

The simulations were designed to provide insights into the behaviour of ultrasound waves in cortical bone tissues, both in intact and pathological conditions. The dataset covers a wide range of parameters, including varying thickness (1-8 mm), porosity (1-20%), and frequency (1-8 MHz), allowing to explore the impact of these factors on ultrasound signal characteristics.



To test the feasibility of the idea: Using the processed data of sentinel-2 and GlobeLand30 as the input image and ground truth of subspace clustering for land cover classification, a dataset named 'MSI_Gwadar' is created.

'MSI_Gwadar' is a multi-spectral remote sensing image of Gwadar (town and seaport, southwestern Pakistan) and its four regions of interest, which includes MATLAB data files and ground truth files of the study area and its four regions of interest.



This is the dataset of the paper: A Non-Invasive Circuit Breaker Arc Duration Measurement Method with Improved Robustness Based on Vibration–Sound Fusion and Convolutional Neural Network (https://doi.org/10.3390/en16186551). Here is the abstract of the paper. Previous studies have shown that the contact wear estimation of circuit breakers can be based on the accumulative arc duration. However, one problem that remains unresolved is how to reliably measure the arc duration.


We employed Hexacopter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) equipped with the SPECIM FX17E hyperspectral camera to implement ultra-low-altitude flight aerial photography missions with atmospheric correction processing. We collected three hyperspectral images and combined them into three data pairs, which exhibit varying degrees of spectral shift. Among them, a hyperspectral image including six types of ground objects was collected in Changsha at 4:00 pm on September 27, 2021, with sunny weather and a flight altitude of 30m, named CSSunny.


Manual palpation of organs played a vital role in detecting abnormalities in open surgeries. However, surgeons
have lost this ability with the development of minimally invasive surgeries. This challenge led to the development of artificial sensors for palpating the patient's organs and tissue. The majority of research done is related to improving the measurement of tissue compliance by the development of versatile force sensors for surgical


The synthetic dataset was developed in the Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Laboratory (Laboratório de Eletrônica de Potência e Acionamento Elétrico – LEPAC, in portuguese) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil. The dataset was generated from a computer simulation of a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor model with the insertion of faults in the rotor, specifically broken bars. The induction motor mathematical model with broken bar fault is based on reference [1].



We proposed a novel method for direct characterization of transient noise and gain for a pulsed low-noise amplifier (LNA) with nanosecond resolution over a wide bandwidth. 

The method employed a standard noise source and an oscilloscope to measure the time-domain output waveform of the LNA. Transient noise and gain of a gate-pulse-operated C-band LNA at two biases were measured with 50~ns resolution. 

The method showed good agreement with static measurements. 


The performance of a novel ultra-compact Artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC)-backed Twin Arrow antenna, operative in the 24 GHz frequency band, have been test for an electronic travel aid (ETA) system. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques for high-resolution electromagnetic imaging have been implemented by taking advantage of the natura movement of the user’s body. Experimental measurements for electronic travel aid purposes were conducted by generating electromagnetic images of the surrounding environment. The antenna is moved by means of simple arm swings.

