
Machine learning methods are poised to drastically improve the performance of many aspects of communication engineering, across all layers of the communication stack: from the physical layer to the application one.  In this competition, we focus on the problem of federated training of a deep CSI compressor for massive MIMO in 5G protocols and beyond.

Last Updated On: 
Mon, 10/24/2022 - 04:43

Network topologies with link parameters; some statistical data.


This dataset contains the raw data of the measurements/simulations presented in "Modulation Scheme Analysis for Low-Power Leadless Pacemaker Synchronization Based on Conductive Intracardiac Communication" by A. Ryser et al. This work analyzed the bit error rate (BER) performance of a prototype dual-chamber leadless pacemaker both in simulation and in-vitro experiments on porcine hearts.


This dataset was created using Wireshark. The dataset contains a total of 30 encrypted communication records, 3 records (.pcap) were created for each application. The records were obtained from a mobile device that was connected to the laptop using wifi technology. The laptop was connected to the Internet and contained a running instance of Wireshark to create a record. The telephone had been restarted before each record was created. After connecting to the network, the device was left without user interaction for 5 minutes.


Extensive use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is expected to raise privacy and security concerns among individuals and
communities. In this context, detection and localization of UAVs will be critical for maintaining safe and secure airspace in the
future. In this work, Keysight N6854A radio frequency (RF) sensors are used to detect and locate a UAV by passively monitoring
the signals emitted from the UAV. First, the Keysight sensor detects the UAV by comparing the received RF signature with various


Port scanning attack is popular method to map a remote network or identify operating systems and applications. It allows the attackers to discover and exploit the vulnerabilities in the network.


The script "numericalExample.m" obtains per-source average AoI and per-source age violation probabilities for First Source First Serve (FSFS), Earliest Served First Serve (ESFS) and Single Buffer with Replacement (SBR) policies for N sources using analytical models based on Markov Fluid Queues (MFQ). It is also possible to obtain the exact per-source CDF using this script. To do so, only the input parameters of used functions, namely "FSFS.m", "ESFS.m" and "SBR.m", in this script should be modified accordingly.


This dataset is used for network anomaly detection and is based on the UGR16 dataset network traffic flows. We used June week 2 to 4 tensors generated from raw flow data to train the models. The dataset includes a set of tensors generated from the whole UGR’16 network traffic (general tensor data) and several sets of port tensors (for specific port numbers). It also includes the trained models for each type of tensor. The tensors extracted from network traffic in the period from July week 5 to the end of August can be used for evaluation. The naming convention is as follows:


A synthetic dataset designed to evaluate transfer learning performance for RF domain adaptation in the publication Assessing the Value of Transfer Learning Metrics for RF Domain Adaptation. The dataset contains a total of 13.8 million examples, with 600k examples each of 22 modulation schemes (given below) and AWGN noise (200k each for training, validation, and testing); 512 raw IQ samples per example.


The dataset comprises of several files that contain smart grid communication, namely protocols IEC 60870-104 (IEC 104) and IEC 61850 (MMS) in form of CSV traces. The traces were generated from PCAP files using IPFIX flow probe or an extraction script. CSV traces include the timestamp, IP addresses and ports of communicating devices, and selected IEC 104 and MMS headers that are interesting for security monitoring and anomaly detection. Datasets were by obtained partly by monitoring communication of real ICS devices and partly by monitoring communication of virtual ICS applications.

