
This data provides realized gain values for a handset operating at 28 GHz, with 3 4x1 linear antenna arrays placed around the handset along the right edge, bottom edge and back face of the handset. Beam steering was carried out at each of these antenna arrays and results for the handset with and without the hand phantom are included to show the effect that the introduction of the hand phantom has on the realized gain of the handset.


Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:

N. Thakur, “A Large-Scale Dataset of Twitter Chatter about Online Learning during the Current COVID-19 Omicron Wave,” Journal of Data, vol. 7, no. 8, p. 109, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.3390/data7080109



Please cite the following paper when using this dataset:

N. Thakur, “MonkeyPox2022Tweets: A large-scale Twitter dataset on the 2022 Monkeypox outbreak, findings from analysis of Tweets, and open research questions,” Infect. Dis. Rep., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 855–883, 2022, DOI:



To examine the relationship between meterological context and cellular traffic loads, telecommunication and weather data from the city of Milan is presented. The dataset consists of aggregated telecommunication and weather data from the city of Milan during the period of 1st of November 2013 to 1st of January 2014. The telecommunication data consists of aggregated information of received SMS, sent SMS, incoming call, outgoing call, and internet activity, and is measured through Call Detail Records (CDRs), a measure of volume of cellular traffic.


Nowadays, with the rapid increase in the number of applications and networks, the number of cyber multi-step attacks has been increasing exponentially. Thus, the need for a reliable and acceptable Intrusion Detection System (IDS) solution is becoming urgent to protect the networks and devices. However, implementing a robust IDS needs a reliable and up-to-date dataset in order to capture the behaviors of the new types of attacks, especially multi-step attacks. In this work, a new benchmark Multi-Step Cyber-Attack Dataset (MSCAD) is introduced.


An indoor positioning testbed was set up to collect location fingerprint dataset for multi-floor environments and an extensive fingerprint measurement campaign was carried out at the second and third floors of Wing B of the Faculty of Engineering (FOE), Multimedia University, on its campus in Cyberjaya, Malaysia. The total area of the evaluation site is approximately around 1112 m2.


Syslog, SNMP, and tcpdump data for 3 years or more from wireless network at Dartmouth College.

This dataset includes syslog, SNMP, and tcpdump data for 3 years or more, for over 450 access points and several thousand users at Dartmouth College.

Note: This dataset has multiple versions.  The dataset file names of the data associated with this version are listed below, under the 'Traceset' heading and can be downloaded under 'Dataset Files' on the right-hand side of the page.

last modified :


Traces of Bluetooth sightings by groups of users carrying small devices (iMotes) for a number of days.

This data includes a number of traces of Bluetooth sightings by groups of users carrying small devices (iMotes) for a number of days - in office environments, conference environments, and city environments.

All versions of this dataset, oldest to newest: v. 2006-01-31,  v. 2006-09-15,  v. 2009-05-29.

network type: bluetooth


This dataset is used for the identification of video in the internet traffic. The dataset was prepared by using Wireshark. It comprises of two types of traffic data, VPN (Virtual Private Network) or encrypted traffic data and Non-VPN or unencrypted traffic. The dataset consist of the data streams (.pcap) of 43 videos. Each video is played 50 times in both VPN and Non-VPN mode. The streams were obtained by setting-up a dummy client on a PC which plays a YouTube video and Wireshark is used to capture the internet traffic.


Emulating a RT task and measuring the response latency of its thread by means of the high-resolution testing tool Cyclictest. The thread was clocked at 10ms, and a FIFO scheduling policy was used, with the thread being assigned the highest priority. Measurements were performed in distinct testing environments, some of which had best effort concurrent threads competing for the machine resources. For this purpose, the workload generator tool stress was used.

