Digital signal processing

The dataset consists of three parts, the first part consists of single notes and playing technique samples, and the second includes the triple viewed video, steoro-microphone recordings and 4 track optical vibration recordings in raw file for famous Chinese Folk music ‘Jasmine Flower’ and the first section of ‘Ambush from ten sides’. The third part concerns about the source separated tracks from optical recordings and expressive annotation files are included in the annotation files.


Clamp-on ultrasonic transit time difference flow meters provide opportunities for metering where it is impractical or undesirable to cut into an existing pipeline to install an alternative flow meter. Up until now, it has been difficult to perform this type of measurement on thin-walled metal pipes, due to the difficulty of interpreting the guided wave modes in the combined pipe wall and internal fluid system, but a new method has been reported recently that utilises these guided wave modes for flow measurement.


One of the weak points of most of denoising algoritms (deep learning based ones) is the training data. Due to no or very limited amount of groundtruth data available, these algorithms are often evaluated using synthetic noise models such as Additive Zero-Mean Gaussian noise. The downside of this approach is that these simple model do not represent noise present in natural imagery.


The C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset provides > 35,000 distinct frames along with annotated thermal frames for the development of smart thermal perception system/ object detection system that will enable the automotive industry and researchers to develop safer and more efficient ADAS and self-driving car systems. The overall dataset is acquired, processed, and open-sourced in challenging weather and environmental scenarios. The dataset is recorded from a lost-cost yet effective 640x480 uncooled LWIR thermal camera.


A synthetic dataset designed to evaluate transfer learning performance for RF domain adaptation in the publication Assessing the Value of Transfer Learning Metrics for RF Domain Adaptation. The dataset contains a total of 13.8 million examples, with 600k examples each of 22 modulation schemes (given below) and AWGN noise (200k each for training, validation, and testing); 512 raw IQ samples per example.


This is the First Arabic voice Commands Dataset to provide personalized control of devices at smart homes for elder persons and persons with disabilities. The dataset contains 12 speakers, each saying 36 different phrases or words in Arabic language. The goal of this dataset is to use it in an Arabic smart home system to control home devices through voice. Participants were asked to say each phrase multiple times. The phrases to record were presented in a random order.


The measurement and diagnosis of the severity of failures in rotating machines allow the execution of predictive maintenance actions on equipment. These actions make it possible to monitor the operating parameters of the machine and to perform the prediction of failures, thus avoiding production losses, severe damage to the equipment, and safeguarding the integrity of the equipment operators. This paper describes the construction of a dataset composed of vibration signals of a rotating machine.


We present detailed derivation of probability functions of differential ad-hoc detector and coherent detectors of XOR H-map for 2 (differentially encoded) BPSK source in H-MAC channel. Matlab script-files for (analytical) H-BER computation are provided.

